16th January 2024
The Government has recently published draft legislation, namely the Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024
The Regulations will come into effect where the Expected Week of Childbirth (EWC) is on, or after, 6 April 2024.
The standout changes, under the draft legislation, are:
- employees eligible to take paternity leave will now have the ability to take their statutory paternity leave (2 weeks) in two separate one-week blocks (currently eligible employees can either take one week in total or two consecutive weeks). The proposed changes thereby offer greater flexibility for both parents and workplaces alike;
- eligible employees will, going forward, have the ability to take the leave at a time of their preference, so long as this is taken within the first 52 weeks post birth (currently the leave has to be utilised within the first 56 days post birth);
- eligible employees will, going forward, only be required to provide 28 days’ notice of their intention to take paternity leave (currently the position is that eligible employees have to provide notice 15 weeks before the EWC);
- in the case of domestic adoptions, the required notice period will be extended to four weeks (currently 7 days) thereby affording new parents more time to prepare;
- Eligible employees will, going forward, have greater protection from redundancy
The proposed changes are due to take effect on 6 April 2024, along with changes to other family friendly policies, including changes to flexible working.
The current rate of statutory paternity pay is £172.48 per week, increasing to £184.03 (rates effective on or after Sunday 7 April 2024).